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Wanna know what inspires ME? REAL PEOPLE! Real moms & wives & women who have reached a point in their life where they KNOW it's time for a change! Meet Leslie. After 2 kids and being almost 200 pounds, Leslie was READY FOR A CHANGE! She found ChaLEAN Extreme® & it changed her life! She's now a TOP coach in this company & I've had the privilege of meeting her in person... I love that lives are changed every single day because of what WE do! 


Leslie's message: "I'm real. I'm 35. I'm a wife & I've had 2 babies. I've been 42wks pregnant before. I'm not airbrushed. And I'm not trying to be perfect. I'm just trying to be the best ME for my health & my family. I didn't do it with pills or wraps or by starving myself, but by eating way more healthy foods, eating treats on occasion, and working out 5x a week. And that's how you work towards results that are gonna last you a lifetime. Cuz I've done that whole fad diet thing and let me just tell you two things, 1. they suck and 2. they're not sustainable for life. Just eat healthy, workout and BE HAPPY with what you got while working for what you want!!"

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